Transportation issues exacerbate climate change and lead to lost productivity and inequality. But new insights, innovations, and paradigms can lead to improvements in the way people travel. Computing is integral in creating a path to a green, more efficient transportation future.
Featured Research
Center for Transportation Research
The Center for Transportation Research (CTR) is a multidisciplinary and multimodal research institute at The University of Texas at Austin recognized as one of the leading university-based transportation research centers in the world.
SAVES (Situation-Aware Vehicular Engineering Systems) is a research center within UT’s Wireless Networking and Communications Group (WNCG) that addresses the challenges of wireless, networking, and sensing in vehicular systems.
Computational Astronautical Sciences and Technologies
The mission of the Computational Astronautical Sciences and Technologies (CAST) group is to solve problems in astrodynamics, space environment, space propulsion, satellite guidance, navigation, and control, and spacecraft systems and design.